Vital Signs, Abstracted Articles and Books

Tony Polito

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, College of Business, East Carolina University


Covey, Stephen. 1989. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic.

Chase, R. and Stewart, D. 1994. Make Your Service Fail-Safe. Sloan Management Review. 35(3): 35-44.

Nunamaker, J., Dennis, A., Valacich, J. Vogel, D. and George, J. 1991. Electronic meeting systems to support group work. Communications of the ACM. 34(7): 40-61.

Dennis, A., and Gallupe, R. 1993. A history of GSS empirical research: Lessons learned and future directions. In L. Jessup and J. Valacich (Eds.), Group support systems: New perspectives. 59-77. Toronto: Macmillan.

Watson, H, Rainer, R., and Koh, C. 1991. Executive information systems: A framework for development and a survey of current practices. MIS Quarterly. 15(2): 13-30.

Sprague, R. 1994. Decision support systems: Past, present, and future. TIEE Japan. 114-C(3): 286-294.

Orlikowski, W., and Baroudi, J. 1991. Studying information technology in organizations: Research approaches and assumptions. Information Systems Research. 2(1): 1-28.

Martin, J. 1982. A garbage can model of the research process. In J. McGrath (Ed.), Judgment calls in research: 17-39. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

McGrath, J. 1982. Dilemmatics: The study of research choices and dilemmas. In J. McGrath (Ed.), Judgment calls in research: 69-80. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

Van de Ven, A. 1989. Nothing is quite so practical as a good theory. Academy of Management Review. 14(4): 486-489.

Whetten, D. 1989. What constitutes a theoretical contribution? Academy of Management Review. 14(4): 490-495.

Bacharach, S. 1989. Organizational theories: Some criteria for evaluation. Academy of Management Review. 14(4): 496-515.

Experimental research in education. 1979. In D. Ang, L. Jacobs, and A. Razavich (Eds.), Introduction to Research in Education: 225-268. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.

Jarvenpaa, S., Dickson, G., and DeSanctis, G. 1985. Methodolgical issues in experimental IS research: Experiences and recommendations. MIS Quarterly. 9(3): 141-156.

Kellehear, A. 1993. Principles of research design. In The Unobtrusive Researcher: A Guide to Methods: 16-31. St. Leonard's, New South Wales, Australia: Allen & Unwin.

Kellehear, A. 1993. Principles of pattern recognition. In The Unobtrusive Researcher: A Guide to Methods: 32-50. St. Leonard's, New South Wales, Australia: Allen & Unwin.

Robson, C. 1993. Observational Methods. In Real world research: A resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers: 190-226. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.

Nguyen, T., Perkins, W., Laffey, T., and Pecora, D. 1987. Knowledge base verification. AI Magazine. 8(2): 69-75.

Dungan, C. and Chandler, J. 1985. Auditor: A microcomputer-based expert system to support auditors in the field. Expert Systems. 2(4): 210-221.

Mui, C. and McCarthy, W. 1987. FSA: Applying AI techniques to the familiarization phase of financial decision making. IEEE Expert. 2(3): 33-41.

Friedenberg, R. and Hensler, R. 1986. Strategy and business planning for artificial intelligence companies: A guide for entrepreneurs. AI Magazine. 7(3): 111-118.

Tinnila, M. and Vepsalainen, A. 1995. A model for strategic repositioning of service processes. International Journal of Service Industry Management. 6(4): 57-80.

Meredith, J., and Amoako-Gyampah, K. 1990. The genealogy of operations management. Journal of Operations Management. 9(2): 146-167.

Meredith, J., Raturi, A., Amoako-Gyampah, K., and Kaplan, B. 1989. Alternative research paradigms in operations. Journal of Operations Management. 8(4): 297-326.

Flynn, B., Schroeder, R., and Sakakibara, S. 1995. The impact of quality management practices on performance and competitive advantage. Decision Sciences. 26(5): 659-691.

Flynn, B., Sakakibara, S., and Schroeder, R. 1995. Relationship between JIT and TQM: Practices and performance. Academy of Management Journal. 38(5): 1325-1360.

Barman, S., Tersine, R., and Buckley, M. 1991. An empirical assessment of the perceived relevance and quality of POM-related journals by academicians. Journal of Operations Management. 10(2): 194-212.

Marucheck, A., Pannesi, R., and Anderson, C. 1990. An exploratory study of the manufacturing strategy process in practice. Journal of Operations Management. 9(1): 101-123.

Kim, Y. and Lee, J. 1993. Manufacturing strategy and production systems: An integrated framework. Journal of Operations Management. 11(1): 3-15.

Flynn, B., Sakakibara, S., Schroeder, R., Bates, K., and Flynn, E. 1990. Empirical research methods in operations management. Journal of Operations Management. 9(2): 250-284.

Ding, F. and Cheng, L. 1993. An effective mixed-model assembly line sequencing heuristic for just-in-time production systems. Journal of Operations Management. 11(1): 45-50.

Sumichrast, R., and Russell, R. 1990. Evaluating mixed-model assembly line sequencing heuristics for just-in-time systems. Journal of Operations Management. 9(3): 371-390.

McCutcheon, D. and Meredith, J. 1993. Conducting case study research in operations management. Journal of Operations Management. 11(3): 239-256.

Amason, A. 1996. Distinguishing the effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict on strategic decision making: Resolving a paradox for top management teams. Academy of Management Journal. 39(1): 123-148.

Luthans, F. and Davis, T. 1982. An idiographic approach to organizational behavior research: The use of single case experimental designs and direct measures. Academy of Management Review. 7(3): 380-391.

Orlikowski, W., and Baroudi, J. 1989. The problem of statistical power in MIS research. MIS Quarterly. March: 87-106.